20 January 2008


Frankly i was quite disgusted when a friend said that in a realistic society such as Singapore, it is those who are scheming and fiercely independent who will make it big outside.

Off with trying to educate young minds about the right things in life. You will end up destroying them, or subject them to become slaves for the masters.

You teach them well, you become guilty of limiting their success in the future.

So success is happiness?

How about becoming rich and ending up raising a son who snaps up your fortune? How about fighting hard for your whole life only to realise you have no real friends or family?

How about the real definition of happiness? Money? Fame?

Is success in life measured by the amount of dollars you have?

Is happiness a reflection of how big a house you are staying?

Or imagine if a teacher is the person who spouts such words. So what makes a good teacher? Someone who allows the child to be how he wants to behave? An adult who tells him the consequence of his actions and taking the role of a bystander when things go wrong?

Why do you want to be a teacher in the first place then if you are such a kind of person?

If being a bystander is what you preach, maybe you should be a university lecturer, in that way your students are adults, and you will be better off saying all those words.


Anonymous said...




Maris Stella High Campcraft Team 2010 said...
