17 May 2005





看看上面的诗句;“金缕衣”为你们的“贪乐” -- 不要贪图一时的快乐⋯⋯要珍惜你们仅剩下的宝贵时间,往着最后的两个礼拜冲刺。

“花开堪折直须折” -- 花在盛开的时候就是我们应该把它摘下来的时候。倘若不这么做,等到了“花朵”凋谢过后就太迟了。


But then i guess that there is another side to the story. At the time that this entry is being entered, one of my friends actually tell me that i should let you fellows go for the camp.

I was told that i am simply being too possessive and not letting you people learn the lessons of your life; lessons that should be learnt the hard way to remember them by. If not for these lessons or the failures that might come with them, we might never learn what it means to fail, or to learn to treasure the things that we ought to treasure. In this instance, it is the time that will never come back once we depart from our revision to join in the fun for the camp -- and that life has many such similar parallels...

Make clear the paths and you make your choice.

What will your choice be?

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