12 May 2006



04 May 2006

Meaning of Doing Something

Sometimes you get questioned for the certain things that had done with your life, with the everyday undertakings that was carried out.

You begin to ask yourself if things should be changed when they begin to conflict with the interests of the people around you.

Sometimes working hard for a job does not mean that it will pay off, yet at times working hard means immense gratification.

Office can be a lot of politics sometimes... even in teaching... a harmless comment can mean a lot to people, and history will mean labelling.

Impression counts and work becomes all meaningless if you respond to them positively. So i choose to be apolitical. I choose to remain silent. Let people talk all they want and i will live life the way i want it to be. No interfering, no committment. Do what a teacher is supposed to do, not what a manager is wanting to see.

Teach and influences young souls, about life about meanings in life... one day, maybe i will see the results, or maybe i won't.

Take the days as they come and take them in stride. Pain and suffering, happiness and hope.

That's what doing something meaningful is all about.

01 May 2006

Bought a book, "Paradise Lost". "失乐园" (几米)

There was this part about a boy and a flower that suddenly popped out from his head. He did not like it but in the end he had to grow and adapt to it.

The flower had her goods and bads and the boy had to put up with it. He groused and he proclaimed his dislikes. And finally once he made the flower lose her sense of worth.

Slowly she withered and there was nothing the boy could do about it.

Eventually she died.

The boy was devastated.

And the story goes on... (this was when i decided to buy the book... maybe will update if you are interested to find out what happened in the end after i have read it... )
