27 February 2008


Beliefs are once again set to the test.

Time for a re-visit.

Why am I in teaching? Can I conquer the obstacles that are before me?

If there is no support and even pressure to conform to something that I cannot identify, how should I handle?

If there was ever the scenario that I have to be someone that I am not, maybe that will be the time to go.

26 February 2008


Let's place this often-said sentence under scrutiny:

Student who is young versus adult who is the teacher.

One is naive and ignorant, the other is learned and mature.

The teacher has to adjust himself to suit his student if the student cannot learn the right things even after it was spelt out.

So a student does something not acceptable under the ruling and the teacher has to adjust for him?

21 February 2008





20 February 2008


Close your eyes and see only the good from your heart.

Ignore the bad see the good.. . perservere and goodness shall come

19 February 2008


Somehow it feels very very drained at the end of a long day in school.

You stand outside the Humanities room and sounds just came out from within, the good heart of the teacher to impart life skills and values to the lost student, and the rustlings of the banner against the wind at the courtyard.

Clouds fly past, the water stilled in the drains, the occasional walking through of a student .. you close your eyes and suddenly you feel so very old, somewhat like going past years a many.

13 February 2008




11 February 2008

The More Important Thing to Do

Which is more important? Cultivating a habit or last minute revisions?

What is a better way? Threats or corrective actions?

If we are not united for what is good, there will be no happy endings.

Though I do hope all of us can see things from a broader perspective.

08 February 2008

Keep in Contact

Thank you 4G and 4C of 2007!

Really glad to see you guys come back, and of cos all the smses!

Work hard in the tertiary institutions!


07 February 2008

Army Days

Really happy when i received one CNY sms from one of my army subordinates even after like 8 long years of non contact! Thinking back, i was really very strict with them, bringing them running every alternate day and doing area cleaning every single work day of their 1 year or more with the SAF. I must have not been very friendly to them, as they all addressed me by rank and surname and not as friends as with the other commanders. I have never went out with them to celebrate anything nor go play together after work or nights out... i do not know, maybe it does not feel very right when i have to be responsible for them, playing together or cultivating that bond as people would suggest.

Thinking back again, and even as now, I do not feel being friendly nor brotherly is something i can display. The weight of responsibility weighs heavily; you can even say that i want things to be as such.

If everything ends, it must be that i have done my best.

Regrets i do not have when i think back of those days.. we have achieved things nobody else did, imagine the entire section passing IPPT when nobody else did. Imagine no extra duties, no quarrels between peers, high quality of work...

Though how many treasure the things they learnt then?

Maybe one of them did :)

06 February 2008


Its a good feeling when your old students are back to visit you during the Chinese New Year. But for reasons unknown, I am never able to stay in place and talk to them. There's always duties to do and one cannot afford to stay at one place too long.

But nevertheless it's still a good feeling to see those old familiar faces.

Do fly high high!