14 December 2006

Futures & Achievements

Life as it was, it is and as it will be.

Ever ponder about the limitless possibilities of what the future can actually bring? I remembered about a conversation with either students or friends that of people who generally finished their university degrees, their futures seemed less of choices.

If you are an engineer, the prospect of landing up in a job in the same field would be very high indeed. That would be quite a lame claim, since that person should have known that it was to be the result when he made the committment in the 1st place.

But some people are generally clueless about what their futures should be like. Thus they land up in courses whereby they would have most confidence doing well in. (thus the point in writing the above)

Anyway back to the topic as was initially discussed, students have the brightest of futures. They have the choices of making to the courses of their desires as long as they work hard for them and they can be anything that they prefer should effort and luck fall into place.

So if a graduate is to be admired about his "achievements", the student can be envied to make the choice that the former had always wanted to.

Moral of the story?

Knowledge is power. Get your facts, learn as much as you can before you plunge into your seemingly limitless future, because after a major decision is made, there can only be less that can be maneuvered after.

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