05 January 2008

A Brand New 2008!

Oh well, it suddenly dawned on me that my blog postings are super super slow! Its January already and i am still in Japan! Gosh..

Went uncle's place today and he was telling me how old the elders are growing and that all will be leaving one by one, sounds kinda sad doesn't it?

And so time flies.

Maybe tomorrow i will be old and sickly. So maybe will you.

Are your dreams unfulfilled? Have you lived a life with no regrets? Do you really need a lot of money? Are you happy?

Well i guess i am generally, but can i complain that the cab fares nowadays are really ridiculously high? :p


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U are still quite young. Well, tml you'll only be "your age today+ 1 day" old, it's not that old ya..

As for the taxi issue, erm.. u actually have a choice.. U can take bus and mrt.. If everyone boycotts the taxis (which i think will never happen), i think the price will automatically comes down.

“兴”火燎原 said...

[PL] haha looks like its walking and bus taking from today onwards! boo hoo hoo...

[周昊] 对啊,我们都无法预测将来,将来太遥远了!大家一同把握今天吧!祝你新的一年里事事顺心!