27 March 2006

Debrief Follow Up

A friend told me that i got too high expectations.

Kids at our age of 15s and 16s should only remember about the laughters and the joys, and that i should not force my perspectives on them.

Afterall i am the best judge on whether i have put in my best.

If they learn, its their fortunes. If they don't its still their lives.

Ultimately i also cannot be absolutely sure that whatever i have done is the best for all of them.

I guess we all make mistakes. I guess the results do not really matter anymore if intentions were well meant.

Yet i will still feel sad if there were failures, or disappointments when it can be better done. Only this, i cannot forsake, for it would make a different me if it was otherwise.

Another friend told me, its better to live life without expectations.

My answer is a short but meaningful one is what i would prefer.

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