09 May 2007

Plea or Cry

Its strange that our unit of today was not the unit of the yesteryears. Pride and Honour, strong sense of belonging from the cadets, people who still remember and make their feelings known by coming back to help, even if there was really nothing to gain back.

We reminisce about the past when people kept to their committments and were really physically around all the while, be it difficulties or arguments -- all were clear and all were willing to give and get, and things were really smooth then. There would be arguments but there were also camaraderie, and at the end of it all, there was espirit de corps.

People of today -- sometimes we wonder if direct gratification were the only thing that were on their minds. Or perhaps glory or maybe even the impression of the kind of power that they should have when they observed certain things in the past. Perhaps some of us seemed very enpowered to do things, but how many people actually see the pains and the hardwork behind it all? Who knew of the sorrows?

Ask not why things are not as before but instead look at how things are and should be. Compare not the past with the present but let it be a good source of information or perhaps experience.

And rules or the system, are they not makeups of the human mind? Rightfully though they should be adhered, have we also sometimes perhaps forgot that humans are still humans afterall?

Adapt is what we should be doing, understanding is what we must achieve. The world is changing, so we should be moving along. Look far, perceive in depth and maybe, just maybe, things will present themselves in ways we could have never imagined.

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