29 October 2007

Life life life life

Life seems to go into grey mode ever since I was made the Presiding Examiner for the school. Waking up at 5am daily and leaving the house by 6am and the earliest timing to reach home was 530pm. Makes you feel like you are totally zapped off the world besides doing your job. It is a rather demoralizing task to undertake, a lot of work, not much of people accrediting you... and to make it worse, there must be loads of people who will be hating you for it, with all the scoldings and naggings that you have to do.

After work, you don't feel like doing anything else, you just want to go home, and you just want to do nothing.

Thus it was with this setting that I went on to still participate in the New Balance Real Run this year. It was a terrible mistake to not keep up with the training, the run almost made me stop with all the seemingly endless distance and the terrible terrible heat. But I told myself that I must not stop; giving up is like saying i surrender, and that is something that is very unlike me. So it was with great effort and pain when the finishing line was finally crossed, and I am glad to say that it was an hour and 41 mins... way below expectations, but relieved in a sense that i had overcame, and i did not walk, no matter how slow i had been.

So now its on to the Standard Chartered, and i hope this time round, it would not be as painful as the previous!


Anonymous said...

well its good having you as the presiding examiner,

“兴”火燎原 said...

and its good having you in my class! Did i say i am very proud of you? Make sure you must fly high in life after Os ok?

Anonymous said...

same same! will play till high after 'o's.