28 July 2008

What If We Die Tomorrow?

Randy Pausch the CM University Professor has finally passed on as I read it from the news some days back. He had decided to leave something behind before his life came to an end and millions were affected and influenced by his work.

So what is life?

Getting to become a Professor, having lived some of your wildest dreams? (He experienced zero gravity, worked for Walt Disney's company, etc) How about having a happy family? (He had a loving wife and 2 kids) His work was recognized; immense recognition and people queue up overnights for his course fair.

But he had a short life.

Just when everything was working so fine, Prof Pausch was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

It goes to wonder, what were he thinking after he accepted his illness? How can our lives be meaningful? Or how about that on the day we die, we have not figured it out still? Just how is your life?

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