09 September 2005

Updates to the Day

Yes it does sound so common-man and cliche but i am going to do it nevertheless.

And yes i am still up at this deadly-hour as i am quite vexed over what's happening in my cca. I guess i cannot discuss this online as it will hurt people and perhaps cause irreparable damage so here i am, writing updates on my own life.

Maybe perhaps to write to myself so i can read it? Or does anyone read this blog? I guess it doesn't really matter. Maybe when i am dead and there are people who wonders what kind of a person i am, then the blog will get its readings. (hmm is this hint that i might die soon? i hope not.)

Anyway i have digressed so here's back to the main point. (I hope i am not getting crazy) I woke at ard 10am on sunday and was supposed to get ready to meet Miss Lee & company for lunch at suntec for a teochew porridge buffet. But then the lazy side of me took charge and i pig-ed around in bed till i was late for the meet-up.

Chatted with them over their humour course and was told it was not that bad. Some of you might be wondering why i did not attend the course? Or perhaps the defensive side of me wants to explain that i am overworked and even when i am on courses, the work will not get siphoned away even when it was supposed to. OOpss.. i am digressing again... but anyway, i was a bit affected when Miss Lee told me that she saw chee keong and company and that they responded "negatively" when she said she was meeting me.

Okie now Miss Lee did not really say anything or made any comment but just merely re-enacted the situation. Then Mr Kan said that maybe the boys were just thinking that meeting Mr Chew is a really boring thing to do. But then, i can't help but feel that i must have been really a monster to warrant such a reaction from them. Sadz...

Then it leads to me thinking... why do kids behave the way they do to you especially when you are trying to do some good with them? Or perhaps i was over-reacting. Or get over-agitated as some of my friends tell me of the type i am.

Maybe i am just being straight-forward and staying true to myself? Can it be that i am behaving this way?

Then i get people kicking me in the face when it was help that i wanted to give them by being nasty. They think of me as some monster and an inconsiderate and selfish person when i was doing things that upset them.

In the end this led me to thinking if all those things that i was doing all these while were worth it. Why can't people think in the big picture other than getting immersed in their own worlds? Why are people unable to step out of their comfort zones just to make things better? Why are people so nasty when they know all that it takes was a little effort on their sides? Why are people misunderstanding that all i wanted to do was to help and not putting them off or down?

Perhaps i am just another stupid singaporean behaving in his average complaining way.

But then how not to be a complaining singaporean when the last i heard in the radio broadcast was that some govt-related organization was organizing fast-track dating to singles and hoping that they will help to increase the birth rates?

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