20 May 2005


I have been worrying over students and parents and student leaders lately. Some of those of which have not been studying, of some who had been playing too much, of others who are losing focus over their studies. There are parents who are so kept up in their own worries that they forget their children and then start to feel helpless and worried when their children begain to do odd things either behind or in front of them.

Have not been seeing much positive things lately, and would even say that it was quite disappointing to see that a CCA that i have been following for almost 13 years has also taken quite a dip observed from the recent spate of events.

There are people who are concerned of their personal glory and mission that they fail to see the big picture in which they are supposed to play a role, and even ended up making a mess of the beautiful canvas that was supposed to be part of their contribution. Then there are others who feel that they do not belong to any part of their loved ones even when they are so much being loved for. There are even some who lived in the lap of luxury and fail to see the role that they are supposed to play for their families in the future.

It could be cliche to say that they are unknowing of their own happiness and live life decadently instead of being good children or role model for parents, peers and juniors around them but i do beg to differ.

Little people know contentment, some hungers ever for power. Some basked in the love of their parents and refuse to admit that they are fortunate people who have shelters and parents who sacrifice for them.

As i compare to what they are enjoying their life to, i can't help but feel saddened. If we do not treasure, we will then be made to live our lives without our loved ones and so torturing can the feeling be at times that you can no longer feel anything. It is a fate worse than having to adapt to family who you no longer feel close with.

Life goes on, and it moves even if we do not recognise their presence. Time goes on even as we refuse to accept the order of things or how certain process seems to go towards. We have to get on with life, even if it means each step is a struggle, or that it is ever a burden. The worse life seems to treat us, all the more we should push to carry on with our lives. Cause it is precisely these struggles for a better life that we can truly feel pride and satisfaction in all our endeavours.

1 comment:

war in the pocket said...

Is this the end of our glorious marist Npcc? Haiz...