09 May 2005

The Rain Has Come

Wow... finally the rain all of us had been waiting for has come. Makes me think of Yanni's "The Rain Has Come". It could be due to a similar experience that he was inspired to write this song. Imagine the anguish that he had to go through after such weather. But then again, he doesn't stay in singapore, so i wonder what was his exact feelings?

Anyway hows revision going along? Haven't really been in close contact with you fellows for quite some time. It sure feels a long time ago. Was talking to a fellow colleague and we have this same sentiment that time goes by really fast; haven't had the time to breathe and half a year have already passed by.

Heard from many that the 15% of the prelims really "sucks"? Well i guess it is, things are a bit rushed and last-minute. But the school has good intentions when they made such a decision. Don't give up and study hard even though you feel that you are not going to do well. Ultimately all this is made to help you get better results for your Os at the end of the year. Trust that the school is making such a decision to help you get your goal. We never will know which are the things that we are not sure of until we really put in our effort to study. That means if we give up and don't study now, we will never know what we do not know.

A lot of times in live we have to do the things that "suck" to get the job done, and many a time it is for a greater good. We must learn how to see far and learn to look forward for that delayed gratification that will satisfy us better rather than to look for short-term satisfaction.

Hope that this makes sense to you fellows :)

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